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Government Of Assam West Karbi Anglong District


  • I. Central Sector Schemes/ CSS

    1. National Literacy Mission (NLM): NLM was set up in 1988 to impart a new sense of urgency and seriousness to adult education. In quantitative terms, the Mission seeks to impart functional literacy to all non-literate persons in 15-35 age group.

    2. Mid-Day Meal Programme: With a view to enhancing enrolment, retention and attendance and simultaneously improving nutritional levels among children, the National Programme of Nutritional Support to Primary Education (NP-NSPE) was launched on 1995. State level targets 2016-17 to 2018-19 is 13462442 nos. and achievement is 12571053 nos.

    3. Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA): SSA was launched in 2000-01 has its main programme for universalising elementary education. Its overall goals include universal access and retention, bridging of gender and social category gaps in education and enhancement of learning levels of children.

    4. RMSA: This scheme was launched in 2009 with an objective to enhance access to secondary education and to improve its quality. It is envisaged to achieve an enrolment rate of 75% from 52.26% in 2005-06 at secondary stage of implementation of the scheme by providing a secondary school within a reasonable distance of any habitation. The other objectives include improving quality of education imparted at secondary level through making all secondary schools conform to prescribed norms, removing gender, socio-economic and disability barriers, providing universal access to secondary level education by 2017.

    8.1. Elementary Education

    II. State Schemes

    1.Gunotsav: Gunotsav is a quality enhancement initiative of the State for bringing about improvement in learning level of students at Elementary level. Hon’ble Minister, Education, Assam has already announced the implementation of the programme in his budget speech. It aims to evaluate schools and student of schools in order to assess their performance. Phase-I successfully completed.

    2. Pratyahban: The state government of Assam state has announced to distribute free text books to students in the state. The new implementation has been made by the government with an aim to provide importance to education and welfare of the students. To effectively implement the new system  (launched in 2017) the state government has also ensured that the books have been distributed to respective schools.

    3. Provision of additional Class room, partition Wall and electricity in Elementary Schools.

    4. Amalgamation of different categories of schools.

    5. Distribution of free text books.

    6. Drinking water facility.

    7. Nirmal Vidyalaya Puraskar

    8.2. Secondary Education

    II. State Schemes

    1. Distribution of bi-cycle to girl students: For reducing the drop out rate of girls students at secondary level and to increase enrollment of girls. The scheme to provide bi cycle for school going girls students is adopted. State level targets for last 3 years (2016-17 to 2018-19):1.45 lakh BPL girls.

    2.Atal Tinkering Laboratories: Motivation of science to the students in the schools.

    3.Waiver of admission and tuition fees: To provide free education to the unprevilidge and the poorer section of the students by waiving admission fees tution fees for both HS school, colleges and University. State level targets for last 3 years (2016-17 to 2018-19): 1,20,000 students (approx) and Achievements: 88934 students of 22 districts at a cost of Rs. 771.90 lakh.

    4.Distribution of free text book below graduation level: Providing free text book to the students of class XI and XII in five core subjects of all stream. State level targets for last 3 years (2016-17 to 2018-19): 12,23,438 approx and achievements: 8,34,263 students at a cost of Rs.117.00 lakh.

    5.Free text book for the students of the degree courses.

    6.Distribution of two-wheeler to the top girl’s students.

    7.Monthly stipend for purchase of sanitary napkin.

    8.3. Higher & Technical Education

    II. State Schemes

    1. Establishment of new Medical Colleges, Govt. Law College, B Ed College, Engineering College, Women College, Degree College and Polytechnic.

    2.Tezasvinavadhitamatu Edu- Funds.

    3.Introduction of additional streams in single streams college.

    4.Introduction of vocational courses in colleges.

    5.Introduction of Post Graduate Classes in Colleges.

    6.Waiving of fees in higher education for poor students.